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alainechristianKey British Political Issues - Background Reading(0)A series of mini-guides for students to 'hot topics&' or key issues in UK politics
alainechristianCivil Liberties and Human Rights(10)Lesson examining how rights and liberties are protected in the UK by the judiciary
alainechristianSupreme Court and Judicial Reform(4)Lesson examining areas of the judiciary that have been reformed and the establishment of the UK Supreme Court
alainechristianJudicial Checks and Balances(4)Lesson examining the checks and balances that exist on and operated by the judiciary in the UK
alainechristianRole of the UK Judiciary(4)Lesson examining the history and role of the judiciary in the UK
alainechristianKey Judicial Concepts(3)Group task introducing key judicial concepts in the UK judiciary
alainechristianSources of the UK Constitution(2)Powerpoint and supporting materials for lesson examining the variety of sources that make up the UK constitution
alainechristianDemocracy & Sovereingty(2)Powerpoint and handout for lesson examining the democracy and sovereignty enshrined in the UK constitution
alainechristianCodified and Uncodified Constitutions(1)Powerpoint and supporting materials for lesson differentiating betwen codified and uncodified constitutions
alainechristianIntroduction to the UK Constitution(4)Powerpoint and supporting documents for introductory lesson
alainechristianCongress Topic - Fact Test(0)Congress Topic - Fact Test (Governing the USA) *Will need to be updated*
alainechristianChecks and Balances on the US Supreme Court(0)Lesson recapping the checks and balances, specifically focusing on those on the judiciary (with examples)
alainechristianUS Supreme Court;Protecting Rights&Civil Liberties(1)Lesson introducing pupils to the idea that the Supreme Court is important because it protects rights and liberties.
alainechristianUS Supreme Court Landmark Cases and Rulings(2)Independent Research Task for pupils to research key landmark cases and rulings and then present to class. Handout gives brief summary of each case. Quiz can be used as a plenary/independent homework task.